B787 Series

B787 Series

Aircraft family Information
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The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a long range, mid-sized, wide-body, twin-engine jet airliner. The Boeing 787 Series includes the following modifications:

Aircraft Family Members

ICAO Type Designator Name Length (m)
BOEING 787-10 Dreamliner BOEING 787-10 Dreamliner 68.30 m
BOEING 787-8 Dreamliner BOEING 787-8 Dreamliner 56.70 m
BOEING 787-9 Dreamliner BOEING 787-9 Dreamliner 62.80 m

Aircraft Family Members

Aircraft Length Wing span Engines Range MTOW
B78X 68.30 m 60.10 m

2 x GEnx-1B (340 kN) or
2 x R-R Trent 1000 (340 kN) turbofans.

B788 56.70 m 60.10 m

2 x GEnx-1B (280 kN) or
2 x R-R Trent 1000 (280 kN) turbofans.

7850 NM 228000 kg
B789 62.80 m 60.10 m

2 x GEnx-1B (320 kN) or
2 x R-R Trent 1000 (320 kN) turbofans.

8300 NM 253000 kg

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