
Medium Range passenger jet manufactured by Airbus. The A319 is the shorter variant of the A320 family of aircraft.
A new "neo" (new engine option) series of the A320 family was developed since 2010 with first aircraft being delivered in 2016. The "neo" aircraft feature new engines (PW 1100G or CFM LEAP-1A) and a new type of wingtips, called "sharklets". The existing aircraft are referred to as "ceo" by Airbus, meaning "current engine option".
Note: While a "ceo" aircraft may or may not be equipped with sharklets, all "neo" aircraft are equipped with sharklets. The sharklet version features a 1.7m wider wingspan.
2 x CFM56-5B (98kN) or
2 x IAE V2524-A5 (104.6kN) turbofans.
Accidents & Serious Incidents involving
- Airbus reference document which provide to airlines, MROs, airport planners and operators the general dimensions of the aircraft, as well as the necessary information for ramp, servicing operations or maintenance preparation: Airbus A319: Airplane characteristics for aiport planning AC, 01 May 2017