Annual Safety Recommendations Review - EASA
Annual Safety Recommendations Review - EASA
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has become the main actor in safety investigation follow-up within Europe. This has also been reflected in the establishment of a robust and rigorous process for the safety recommendations received. Owing to EASA’s central position in the aviation safety system, the agency is able to take action with respect to systemic problems and the management of risk. The implementation of safety recommendations provides tangible improvements in safety as a result of the information that has been obtained during safety investigations. This methodical approach to investigatory work and the implementation of recommendations serves to ensure lessons are learned and help prevent future occurrences.
Safety investigation authorities of different States address safety recommendations to EASA in the context of the agency’s remit. The majority of these safety recommendations are related to procedures or regulations. The second most frequent category are related to aircraft or aviation-related equipment/facilities. The safety recommendations are classified by EASA in two major categories - Safety Recommendations of Union-wide Relevance (SRUR) and Safety Recommendations of Global Concern (SRGC). The handling of safety recommendations in both a swift and responsible manner constitutes one of EASA’s key responsibilities. The Agency assigns a high priority to the follow-up of safety recommendations and has established effective procedures to that effect:
- EASA delivers the first response to incoming recommendations within 90 days;
- The safety recommendations process is subject to continuous internal monitoring until all corrective actions are closed;
- The Agency receives assessments of its responses from Safety Investigation Authorities (SIA) and can identify when opinions diverge. In this context, EASA considers the assessment given by the safety investigation authority on the appropriateness of the mitigation measures when closing the recommendation.
The Annual Safety Recommendations Review provides an overview of the follow-up performed by EASA in response to recommendations addressed to the Agency by Safety Investigation Authorities originating from the investigation of accidents and serious incidents or from safety studies. In addition, the review highlights a range of safety issues and Agency safety improvement efforts that are of interest to the European Aviation Community and the public.