AViation Safety information System (AVSiS)

AViation Safety information System (AVSiS)


AViation Safety information System


AViation Safety information System (AVSiS) is a safety event logging, management and analysis tool. Events are divided into two groups, happenings (which are noteworthy but not actual incidents), and incidents. Most events recorded will be incidents. The Flight Safety Officer (FSO) on receipt of an event report consolidates the information into the AVSiS system. Reports may be received and consolidated electronically or entered manually. AVSiS presents easy to follow forms, with standard pick lists (for example, event type, phase of flight, etc.) and text fields to enable detailed descriptions as required. The FSO may then request follow up reports from either internal or external departments (where the cause is assigned to an internal department, the FSO may also assign human factors(s)). Event severity is assessed and recorded on two scales, severity and likelihood. Once all the information about the event has been obtained, the FSO may record recommendations for actions to rectify any safety system weaknesses identified. As with requested reports, AVSiS enables the FSO to record recommendations made and whether or not they have been accepted and then implemented. AViation Safety information System (AVSiS) was developed by AvSoft and runs on Windows PCs (95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP).

AViation Safety information System (AVSiS) Version 2.0p was released in 2003.

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