Conflict Free Routing under Contingency

Conflict Free Routing under Contingency


Conflict Free Routings provide a simplified route structure that helps to minimise the number of crossings on air traffic services (ATS) routes.


By reducing the number of potential crossings, conflict free route structures reduce the workload on remaining staff and systems under contingency operations.


Conflict Free Routings provide a simplified route structure that helps to minimise the number of crossings on ATS routes. This should facilitate the establishment of a contingency Flight Level Allocation Scheme (cFLAS) which would provide for crossings that are vertically separated. In addition, procedures applicable to ATS units, pilot operating procedures and communication procedures could be developed. For example, the contingency plan should specify that aircraft are to maintain the assigned level and speed assigned by ‘upstream’ ATS units throughout the flight through the area affected by contingency except in cases of emergency and for flight safety reasons or as instructed/advised by the appropriate ATS unit. Furthermore, the plan should elaborate the Operational Concept, addressing which services (e.g. FIS and Alerting as the minimum), would be provided in the affected areas. Anticipated ATS sectorisation and associated capacity/service provision levels and acceptance of flight criteria (including emergencies and medical flights) should also be described. Meteorological conditions (hazardous weather) should also be monitored in the affected airspace and airspace users informed accordingly. The Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) should be alerted to cFLAS plans both prior to and during any contingency.

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