EAPPRI Implementation Seminar – Lisbon 2018

EAPPRI Implementation Seminar – Lisbon 2018


The objective of the runway safety seminar, co-organised by EUROCONTROL and NAV Portugal, was to promote and support the implementation of the updated European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions version 3.0 (EAPPRI) by the main risk stakeholders - airport operators, aircraft operators, ANSPs, aircraft manufacturers and national authorities (regulators) .


The seminar agenda addressed the new safety recommendations applicable to the major airport risk stakeholder groups and the available implementation guidance provided in the Action plan and elsewhere. Good practices and signs of excellence that could support the implementation of the safety recommendations and improve safety of aerodrome operations were the core of the seminar presentations and discussions.

Over 100 representatives from European aircraft operators, ANSPs, airport operators, regulators, and international organisations attended the seminar.

Seminar presentations

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Further Reading


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