European Safety Regulatory Requirements (ESARRs)
Institutional framework for the development and implementation of ESARRs
In order to achieve a uniform European air traffic management system, EUROCONTROL Member States agreed in 1997 to "implement a mechanism, separate from the service provision, for the multilateral development and harmonization of a safety regulatory regime in the field of air traffic management within a total aviation safety system approach".
This mechanism established a Safety Regulation Commission (SRC) as an independent body to the EUROCONTROL Agency. Its purpose is to provide advice and support the achievement of consistent high levels of safety in air traffic management (ATM) within the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) area.
The SRC is responsible for:
- The development and uniform implementation of harmonised safety regulatory objectives;
- The development of target levels of safety; and,
- Standards of safety performance.
ESARRs are approved by the EUROCONTROL Permanent Commission for implementation by States, national safety regulatory authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP). Where necessary, SRC establishes procedures for the uniform national application of ESARRs.
National safety regulatory framework and ESARRs
The safety regulatory authorities of the EUROCONTROL member states are responsible for the transposition of the ESARR provisions into national safety regulatory requirements.
In addition, the ECAC states, which are not members of the EUROCONTROL organisation, are strongly encouraged to implement ESARRs to ensure consistent safety levels in ECAC. This is achieved through the European Convergence Implementation Plan (ECIP).
The ESARR implementation process is supported by dedicated guidance and support material developed by the SRC and the Safety Enhancement Business Division of the EUROCONTROL Agency.
ANSPs are responsible for the implementation of the ATM safety regulatory requirements.
To date six ESARRs are in force:
ESARR1: Safety Oversight in ATM.
ESARR2: Reporting and Assessment of Safety Occurrences in ATM.
ESARR3: Use of Safety Management System by ATM Service Providers.
ESARR4: Risk Assessment and Mitigation in ATM.
ESARR5: ATM Services’ Personnel
ESARR6: Software in ATM Systems
Relevant compliance and guidance materials developed under the guidance of EUROCONTROL SRC are available on the EUROCONTROL SRC website.
ESARRs Applicability
ESARRs contain clearly identified mandatory (safety regulatory requirements) and non-mandatory provisions providing rationale, clarification and support material.
The requirements apply, as appropriate, to States, designated ATM safety regulatory authorities, ATM service providers, operating organisations and individual personnel undertaking safety related tasks.
The provisions of ESARRs have been structured so as to enable their implementation by military authorities and their personnel providing ATM services to General Air Traffic (GAT) flights, or ensuring services for ATM equipment approved for operational use in a mixed civil-military environment, except where an equivalent military regulatory framework exists.
ESARR Implementation
The ESARR implementation plan includes a schedule of implementation dates and details of support and monitoring provisions. Implementation progress is monitored closely in order to identify and if possible address problem areas.
Further Reading
Further information is available on the EUROCONTROL website