
The PASS (Performance and Safety Aspects of Short Term Conflict Alerts (STCA), full Study) project was launched by EUROCONTROL in October 2007 and delivered its results in November 2010. Its objective was to study the performance and safety aspects of STCA, including human performance and consideration of interactions between operational use of STCA and Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS).

The project’s finding allowed to establish quantified performance requirements for STCA, and to define a consistent overall concept for ground-based and airborne safety nets.

Project Phases

The project has been conducted in three phases:

Phase 1 was a large scale monitoring study to understand the current operational situation in Europe and defined a typical series of events in STCA and ACAS occurrences. Three European ANPSs (DFS, DSNA, skyguide) participated in the monitoring phase of the project.

Phases 2 and 3 developed performance and safety requirements for STCA, while Phase 3 has provided the core elements for a consistent overall concept for STCA and ACAS operations.

With the evolution of SESAR, both Phases 2 and 3 became SESAR projects (within WP 4.8).

The PASS study was led by Egis Avia (formerly Sofréavia) and conducted by a consortium of four organisations: DSNA/DTI, Deep Blue, QinetiQ and Egis Avia.

Project Deliverables

The project deliverables provide an insight into the current operational situation regarding the use of STCA and its possible interactions with ACAS.

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