European Regions Airline Association (ERA)

European Regions Airline Association (ERA)


ERA is a member supported organisation representing organisations involved in intra-European air transport - typically regional airlines, airports, and the manufacturers of regional jets and turboprops.

ERA’s Safety Activities

ERA’s Air Safety Working Group (ASWG) brings together safety managers from member airlines to discuss flight safety matters in a confidential forum. The ASWG provides Safety Targeted Awareness Reports (STARS) which offer generic guidelines for pilots and operators on topics such as landing over-runs and crosswind landing limits.

ERA also produces an e-journal called Fly Safely which provides information and articles on a wide range of safety issues affecting the European regional aviation industry.

ERA also produced an “Emergency Planning Handbook” providing guidance on all aspects of emergency planning - responsibilities, training, staffing, security, threat assessment, contingency plans, media relations, accident and incident reporting and investigation, and related topics. The handbook is free to members and available to non-members for a fee.

Further Reading

For further information, visit the ERA website

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