FAA Takeoff Safety Training Aid

FAA Takeoff Safety Training Aid


In 1989, in reaction to a number of takeoff accidents resulting from improper rejected takeoff decisions and procedures, a joint Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/industry taskforce studied what actions might be taken to increase takeoff safety. Airframe manufacturers, airlines, pilot groups, and regulatory agencies developed a training resource dedicated to reducing the number of rejected takeoff (RTO) accidents. This resource was then published by the FAA.

The taskforce produced nine recommendations including the development of training practices, operational guidelines, and improvement of simulator fidelity. From this, Boeing led an industry wide effort to develop a training aid. The result was a publication entitled Takeoff Safety Training Aid, released in 1993, which included:

This material gave information on operational procedures and crew qualification programs regarding rejected takeoffs. The goal of the Takeoff Safety Training Aid was to minimise the probability of RTO-related accidents.

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Further Reading

Airbus Flight Operations Briefing Notes


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