Final Approach Fix (FAF)

Final Approach Fix (FAF)


Final approach fix or point. That fix or point of an instrument approach procedure where the final approach segment commences.

Source: ICAO Annex 4: Aeronautical Charts


The final approach fix (FAF) marks the beginning of the final approach segment of an instrument approach procedure. It is situated on the final approach track at a distance that permits selection of final approach configuration, deceleration to final approach speed, and descent from intermediate approach altitude/height to the appropriate MDA/H either for a straight-in approach or for a visual circling manoeuvre.

The FAF should be crossed at the prescribed procedure altitude/height in descent but in all cases, not lower than the minimum crossing altitude associated with the FAF under ISA conditions. The descent should be initiated prior to the FAF, in order to achieve the prescribed descent gradient/angle. Delaying the descent until reaching the FAF at the procedure altitude/height will cause the descent gradient/angle to be greater than the usual 3 degrees. Where range information is available, descent profile information is provided.

The FAF is represented on approach charts by a maltese cross symbol (see image below as an example).

At some aerodromes there is no suitably situated facility to form a FAF and the approach procedure may be designed in a way that the same facility is both the IAF and the MAPt. In this case, descent to MDA/H is made once the aircraft is established inbound on the final approach track.

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