Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM)

Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM)


The Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) is issued by the manufacturer as a guideline for operators to develop their own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in accordance with applicable requirements. This source document incorporates aircraft manufacturer guidance on how to use the systems on board the aircraft for enhanced operational safety, as well as for increased efficiency.

The FCOM is designed for one specific model, type of operation and configuration.


The purpose of the FCOM is to:

  • provide the necessary operating limitations, procedures, performance, and systems information the flight crew needs to safely and efficiently operate the airplane during all anticipated airline operations

  • serve as a comprehensive reference for use during transition training for the airplane

  • serve as a review guide for use in recurrent training and proficiency checks

  • provide necessary operational data from the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) to ensure that legal requirements are satisfied

  • establish standardized procedures and practices to enhance operational philosophy and policy.


An FCOM is often structured in several volumes, for example:

  • operational limitations, normal and supplementary procedures, and dispatch performance data.
  • systems information, generally subdivided into sections covering controls and indicators and systems descriptions.
  • a Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) containing all checklists necessary for normal and non–normal procedures as well as in–flight performance data.
  • Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM).

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