Flight Operations Risk Assessment Checklist - New Destination
Flight Operations Risk Assessment Checklist - New Destination
This Checklist is intended to enable prompt identification of the sources of possible operational risks so as to allow the consideration of any measures for their mitigation. Content assumes the ‘worst case’ scenario. Accordingly, it will sometimes be the case that suggested ‘information acquisition’ will be deemed unnecessary for a particular assessment to be sufficient.
Flight Operations Risk Assessment Checklist - New Destination
[Items marked * also apply to new aircraft type at an existing destination]
1. Airport
1.1 Make a general Airport Operator Safety Assessment covering airside WIP notification, Foreign Object Debris control, airport signage/lighting/surface marking including taxiway centreline (both standards and maintenance). Examine a copy of the Airport Safety Management System document.
1.2 *Establish that the runway and taxiway pavement surface structures and dimensions are sufficient for the intended aircraft type(s)
1.3 *Review Aircraft ground handling contractor(s) responsibilities with particular reference to aircraft loading certification, dangerous goods procedures and the ramp handling of aircraft
1.4 *Review the airside procedures of the Passenger handling contractor
1.5 *Consider arrangements for aircraft line maintenance
1.6 Review fuel supply arrangements and any possible fuel quality issues
1.7 *If appropriate, establish or review arrangements for aircraft ground de/anti icing
1.8 Review standard airport security provision and consider if there is any case for enhanced security screening of freight, baggage or passengers. In particular consider the expected passenger profile with special regard to both the potential for disruptive behaviour in flight fuelled by alcohol and any possibility of an increased propensity to attempt to smoke covertly in flight
1.9 *Review RFFS capability in relation to intended aircraft type(s)
1.10 Establish if there is any special degree of Bird Strike (or other wildlife) hazard, including seasonally, and if so assess the appropriateness of the mitigation - especially coastal sites, urban areas with poorly controlled refuse tipping and any tendency for seasonal shallow water bodies in vicinity
1.11 ATS Ground movement practices including directed taxi routing or general guidance procedures.
1.12 ATS runway use - is more than one active runway designated at any one time? If so, review any intersecting runway or runway crossing issues
1.13 *Aircraft Type specific ground issues - dimensions re taxi routes, gates, remote parking stands etc
1.14 Runway undershoot or over-run issues - establish and consider if specific flight crew awareness is warranted
1.15 Runway Surface safety - profile issues (linear and transverse); reference friction records and cleaning of rubber deposits; braking action/friction performance when wet but not contaminated; procedures for measuring and communicating braking action when surface is contaminated; surface water drainage characteristics (profile, pavement wearing surface, grooving)
1.16 Weather Record - Wind Velocity, Visibility, Temperature range and prevalence of sudden short-duration heavy precipitation
2. Flight Procedures and Local Flying Area
2.1 Review Terrain within 25nm
2.2 *Assess SID/STAR procedures for any possible operational issues arising
2.3 *Assess Aerodrome Operating Minima and consider carrying out at least some checking of the proprietary plates used by the operator against the State AIPs source. Check that any noise abatement requirements are included in procedures and that there is no conflict between Company power plant failure procedures and ATC Procedures. Identify the extent to which these procedures represent a radical departure from those routinely flown by the flight crew/aircraft types which would be deployed. Decide if acceptance of discretionary visual contact approaches will be permitted by the operator by day, by night or in neither case.
2.4 *If any (or even all) approaches will need to terminate with a visual final segment, review all aspects of such procedures carefully, including the day/night case and minimum in-flight visibility (IFV).
2.5 *Based upon all the above and on relevant determinations relating to aircraft performance, decide whether it is appropriate to ‘fly’ procedures in aircraft simulators to elicit any operational issues which might not otherwise be apparent.
2.6 Review overall ATC situation for any issues e.g. language(s) used on RTF and the level of English language competency beyond routine aviation English.
2.7 Establish the availability of ATC ‘safety nets’ such as Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) and Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
2.8 *Review any increased likelihood of ‘nuisance’ Terrain Avoidance and Warning System (TAWS) and Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) alerts during approach or climb out
3. En Route
3.1 *Consider any drift down issues and identify route sections with a minimum safe altitude which would preclude an emergency descent to 10,000ft
3.2 Check if operations outside controlled airspace will be involved and if so, review the implications
3.3 Review the balance of expected ATC service between procedural and radar control
3.4 Review risks of military activity in the general vicinity of transit airspace which might be prejudicial to the safety of operations
3.5 Establish any need for special diplomatic overflight clearances
4. Aircraft Performance
4.1 *Calculate the extremes of the aircraft performance envelope in relation to aircraft weight, prevailing temperature and obstacles/terrain
4.2 *Assess departure and missed approach procedures for terrain clearance in both normal and engine out operations
4.3 *Review the potential for Payload/Range issues given the sector(s) intended and any restrictions to aircraft loading which might be required routinely or tactically
5. Final Determination
5.1 *Categorise the Airport for each aircraft type or generally as ‘A’ (normal - routine new destination briefing) ‘B’ (special flight crew briefing notes) or ‘C’ (special flight crew training required). In the case of ‘B’ or ‘C’ categorisation , develop the necessary briefing/training material and ensure procedures to qualify all flight crew accordingly prior to operation to the new destination are put in place.
5.2 Ensure that all relevant current Notice To Airmen and weather information can be made available to flight crew pre flight and/or in flight
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