Future of JAA (FUJA)
Future of JAA (FUJA)
Future of JAA (FUJA)
The Future of JAA (FUJA) plan, and its associated report, was founded on the decision by Directors General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) that the European Aviation Safety Agency (European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)) would ultimately take over all regulatory and associated responsibilities which were previously assigned to the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA).
The FUJA Roadmap
In this context, the JAA Board took the initiative to develop a "Roadmap" for the establishment of clear milestones for its medium-term activities. Accordingly, a FUJA Working Group produced a detailed Roadmap document regarding the future of the JAA including a precise indication as to when, where and how each activity performed by the JAA would be transferred or disbanded (milestones).
The Roadmap also considered the means best suited to continue the association with non-EU States in on-going safety-related activities in Europe, and addressed the funding of the JAA during the transition process. Therefore, in accordance with the directions given, the Roadmap encompassed:
- the progressive transfer of JAA functions, starting with certification and maintenance, followed by the fields of air operations and pilot licensing and other functions such as SAFA;
- an option by which the regulatory and certification activity would be conducted within the EASA system but with transparency to non-EASA Member States for their relevant decision. It was also agreed that the ultimate goal would need to cater for the involvement in all activities transferred from JAA by non-EASA Member States, and would therefore result in all JAA activities being fully integrated within EASA.
Following the creation of EASA, competence for certification and maintenance for EU Member States was transferred to EASA in September 2003. After this important first step an orderly scaling-down of JAA activities with clearly fixed milestones has begun. The next step, consisting of extending the scope of EASA to aircraft operations and crew licensing, was realised through the publication of Regulation (EC) N°. 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 (which also repealed the original EASA Basic Regulation (EC) N°. 1592/2002).
A contingent of the original JAA organisation (known as the JAA Liaison Office or JAA-LO) remained in existence beyond this date to interface with, and represent the interests of those JAA Member States which were not members of EASA, while arrangements were established within the EASA system to secure the involvement of these States into EASA decision-making in all transferred areas. When this had been achieved, the JAA-LO finally ceased to formally exist on 30th June 2009. This date therefore formally signified the closure of the JAA.
Introduction of IR-OPS
Regulation (EC) 965/2012 of the European Commission lays down detailed rules for commercial air transport operations with aeroplanes and helicopters, including ramp inspections of aircraft of operators under the safety oversight of another State when landed at aerodromes located in the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty. This new regulation, which is generally known as IR-OPS (Implementing Rules – Operations), replaces EU-OPS (Regulation (EC) 859/2008). IR-OPS includes Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC & GM), which supports IR-OPS in the same way as JAR-AMC supported JAR-OPS and EU-OPS.
IR-OPS came in to force on 28 October 2012; however, all EASA Member States have been authorised to delay implementation until October 2014.
One residual function not intended for transfer to EASA was the provision of formal training in aviation safety. Accordingly, prior to its closure, the JAA established a functionally separate organisation which, following the transfer of all other JAA functions, would continue as a self-sustaining business in the long term.
The JAA Training Organisation (known as JAA-TO) is now in full operation as a commercial entity, registered in the Netherlands, with its headquarters at Hoofddorp, and offering formal training courses in a wide range of aviation subjects through a number of training course venues worldwide.
Many courses offered are aimed at compliance with EASA Requirements. In addition, the Organisation is the first EASA Examination Provider in the world with fully equipped facilities in line with EASA's requirements.