Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (GAPPRI)

Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (GAPPRI)


Runway incursions are among the most persistent threats to aviation safety. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) places runway incursions among the five highest-risk categories of events that must be addressed to mitigate the risk of aviation fatalities. Runway incursion is the main precursor to be managed to prevent collision on the runway. The potential consequences of a runway collision are very serious if it involves fast, high energy jet planes moving on a relatively confined runway strip.

Runway collision risk depends on the number of traffic interactions on and around runways. Runway traffic interactions more than double when traffic doubles. Runway collision risk will increase considerably if no additional safety defences are implemented, considering that traffic will double in 20 years. Runway incursion risk is made up of a complex combination of factors in different aviation segments. Addressing the risk can only be done in synchronisation and collaboration.

GAPPRI Development

The Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions is the result of aviation industry stakeholders coming together in a dedicated working group to discuss and agree on the most important actions to address the runway incursion risk. More than 200 professionals from more than 80 organisations worked in sub-working groups led by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airports Council International (ACI), the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), CANSO, EUROCONTROL, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Flight Safety Foundation. The initiative was developed within, and complements the frameworks of, the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global Runway Safety Action Plan.

GAPPRI is a comprehensive, collaborative effort to enhance aviation safety. It offers synchronised, consensus-based recommendations encompassing best practices that go beyond regulatory compliance. This plan acknowledges diversity in risk profiles and resilience among stakeholders, encouraging the sharing of successful strategies. It provides a roadmap for various time horizons, ensuring adaptability to evolving aviation needs. By addressing risk and resilience holistically, this action plan empowers aviation stakeholders worldwide to proactively mitigate the threat of runway incursions, fostering a safer, more resilient global aviation ecosystem.


GAPPRI is divided into two parts.

Part I, released in December 2023, contains the agreed recommendations to aerodrome operators, air navigation service providers, aircraft operators, manufacturers, and regulators. It also addressees research and development recommendations to States, international organisations and the industry. The findings and recommendations in Part I are based on an analysis of multiple global and regional datasets, combined with insights from operational expertise. This inclusive strategy extended beyond the study of only hazardous events; the recommendations incorporate lessons from all operations, both desirable and undesirable outcomes.

Part II, released in August 2024, provides explanatory and guidance material, and related best practices for the recommendations listed in Part I. The guidance and explanatory materials (GEMs) are provided as appendices to the document.

Further Reading



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