Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP)
Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP)
The Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) sets out a strategy that supports the prioritization and continuous improvement of aviation safety. The GASP, along with the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), provides the framework in which regional and national aviation safety plans will be developed and implemented, thus ensuring harmonization and coordination of efforts aimed at improving international civil aviation safety, capacity and efficiency.
The purpose of the GASP is to continually reduce fatalities, and the risk of fatalities, by guiding the development of a harmonized aviation safety strategy, regional aviation safety plans and national aviation safety plans.
The GASP promotes the implementation of a State’s safety oversight system, a risk-based approach to managing safety as well as a coordinated approach to collaboration between States, regions and industry. States are encouraged to support and implement the GASP as the strategy for the continuous improvement of global aviation safety.
ICAO introduced the first version of the GASP in 1997 by formalizing a series of conclusions and recommendations developed during an informal meeting between the ICAO Air Navigation Commission and industry. The GASP was used to guide and prioritize the technical work programme of ICAO and was updated regularly to ensure its continuing relevance. The GASP is reviewed and updated prior to each session of the ICAO Assembly, every three years. It is published as ICAO Doc 10004 (see Further Reading).
The 2020-2022 edition of the GASP maintains some key elements from its previous edition, such as goals for States to improve their effective safety oversight capabilities and to progress in the implementation of State safety programmes (SSPs). Main changes in the plan include new goals and targets for States, regions and industry, as well as tools to measure States’ safety oversight capabilities
The 2020-2022 edition of the plan also recognizes the importance of safety risk analyses at national and regional levels. It incorporates guidelines and a structure by which States, groups of States or entities within a region identify hazards and mitigate operational safety risks through the assistance of regional aviation safety groups as well as regional coordination.
The GASP includes the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR), which serves as an action plan to assist the aviation community in achieving its goals through a structured, common frame of reference for all relevant stakeholders. The use of the GASR as the basis for national and regional safety planning enhances coordination and is intended to reduce inconsistencies and duplication of effort.
Vision and Goals
The vision of the current GASP is to achieve and maintain the aspirational safety goal of zero fatalities in commercial operations by 2030 and beyond, which is consistent with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The plan’s mission is to continually enhance aviation safety performance internationally by providing a collaborative framework for States, regions and industry. This is supported by a series of goals:
- Goal 1 is to achieve a continuous reduction of operational safety risks.
- Goal 2 calls for all States to strengthen their safety oversight capabilities.
- Goal 3 is also aimed at individual States and calls for the implementation of effective SSPs.
- Goal 4 calls for States to increase collaboration at the regional level to enhance safety.
- Goal 5 aims to expand the use of industry programmes.
- Goal 6 focuses on the need to ensure the appropriate infrastructure is available to support safe operations.
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Further Reading
- ICAO Doc 10004: Global Aviation Safety Plan: 2014 - 2016
- ICAO Doc 10004: Global Aviation Safety Plan: 2017 - 2019
- ICAO Doc 10004: Global Aviation Safety Plan: 2020 - 2022
- ICAO Doc 10004: Global Aviation Safety Plan: 2023-2025
- ICAO Doc 10131: Manual on the Development of Regional and National Aviation Safety Plans, First Edition, 2020.
- ICAO Doc 9750-AN/963: Global Air Navigation Plan, 2016-2030, Fifth Edition, 2016.