Ground Accident Prevention Program
Ground Accident Prevention Program
Ground Accident Prevention (GAP)
The following is taken from the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) web site:
"Based on data developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Foundation estimates that 27,000 ramp accidents and incidents — one per 1,000 departures — occur worldwide every year. About 243,000 people are injured each year in these accidents and incidents; the injury rate is 9 per 1,000 departures."
"Ramp accidents cost major airlines worldwide at least US$10 billion a year, the data indicates. These accidents affect airport operations, result in personnel injuries, and damage aircraft, facilities and ground-support equipment."
"The Foundation decided this was a safety threat that had to be answered. In 2003, the Foundation launched the Ground Accident Prevention (GAP) program in response."
"The GAP program developed information and products in a practical format — “e-tools” — designed to eliminate accidents and incidents on airport ramps (aprons) and adjacent taxiways, and during the movement of aircraft into and out of hangars."
Further Reading
For further information, visit the Flight Safety Foundation GAP web page