Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight
Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight
The objective of the Guidelines is to guide national supervisory authorities (NSAs) in the execution of the supervision of ANSPs’ compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 (popular as the IOP Regulation) as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1070/2009 and the implementing rules adopted under the IOP Regulation, often referred to as the IOP IRs.
Description and Scope
The Guidelines have been developed by the Interoperability Working Group (IOP WG) of the NSA Coordination Platform. The material is strictly advisory in nature and does not carry or imply any obligations to be followed. Any application by NSAs is voluntary.
The document contains guidance for the NSAs on the process of supervision of compliance with the IOP Regulation and its IRs. It covers the mandatory requirements laid down in the legislation combined with a recommended process. The document is split into 5 sections, supported by annexes.
Section 2 provides an explanation of terms that are used in this document but are not defined in the legislation.
Section 3 describes the principles of the IOP supervision based on the mandatory requirements specified in the SES legislation1 [see Annex B] explaining the key requirements and responsibilities in relation to IOP supervision.
Section 4 contains the steps of a recommended process that NSAs may follow to ensure the required supervision of the IOP Regulation and IOP IRs. The process is developed based on the regulatory requirements that have to be met and the practices adopted by the NSAs to ensure its effectiveness. To ensure completeness the recommended process involves tasks and responsibilities not only for NSAs but also for Member States, ANSPs, manufacturers, notified bodies and the European Commission.
Section 5 describes cases studies that NSAs may encounter in the process of supervision and a recommended approach for handling them.
Acronyms are listed in Annex A, a list of reference documents is provided in Annex B, Annex C contains a table of the IOP IRs adopted with relevant dates of applicability, Annex D lists the WEB resources referred to herein, Annex E is the checklist for interoperability documentation assessment, and Annex F contains templates and checklists used by NSAs.
Guidelines on Interoperability Oversight - full text.
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Further Reading
European Commission