High Level Group

High Level Group

Objectives and Composition

The 'High Level Group' provides advice to the European Commission on the future aviation regulatory framework and in particular on Single European Sky (SES) implementation.

The High Level Group is composed of Directors General of Civil Aviation Administrations from European states (also representing the European Conference for Civil Aviation - European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)), the Director General of EUROCONTROL, and senior representatives of aviation industry associations.

The mandate of the second High Level Group was to:

  • Develop proposals to simplify the regulatory framework while ensuring that the Community method should be the driving force in regulation;
  • Advise on the future evolution of the EASA and EUROCONTROL organisations and how the role of industry should develop within the ATM system;
  • Provide a roadmap for reform and proposals to ensure successful stakeholder involvement.

On 3 July 2007, the High Level Group delivered its report for the future European aviation regulatory framework.

The Report of the High Level Group

The report alleges that improvements can only be achieved through strong regulation where market forces fail, and by changing the governance to ensure that the users who fund the system have a stronger role in decision making. The group calls on the European Commission to appoint an "Aviation System Coordinator" to drive forward improvements in capacity and efficiency both in the air and on the ground.

The Group has come up with a list of ten recommendations and a roadmap with concrete measures on how to boost performance of the European air traffic management system. The recommendations identify the steps needed to ensure that SESAR, the programme aimed at modernising Europe's air traffic management system, can be successfully implemented. These recommendations provided considerable input to the Commission's second SES legislative package.

The full text of the report can be viewed here.

Further Reading

European Commission


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