Hindsight 31
Hindsight 31
Download the full HindSight 31 magazine here
Published in December 2020, HindSight 31 focused on the theme of Learning from everyday work.
This edition also included a special supplement titled Learning through COVID-19.
Welcome to issue 31 of EUROCONTROL’s HindSight magazine. Over the last few issues, HindSight has evolved toward a more general focus on human and organisational factors in operations. We have included different perspectives on work-as-imagined and work- as-done, collaboration, competency and expertise, change, goal conflicts and trade-offs, and wellbeing. What unites all of these issues is ‘work’ and in this issue we focus on ‘learning from everyday work’.
In this issue we have the usual blend of articles from front-line staff and specialists in safety, human factors, and human and organisational performance, in aviation and elsewhere. The articles cover all aspects of everyday work, including routine work, unwanted events, and excellence. The authors discuss a variety of ways to learn from everyday work, including observation, discussion, surveys, reflection, and data analysis. There are articles on specific topics to help learn from others’ experience, including from other sectors in ‘views from elsewhere’. Here you will find reflections on human performance in elite sport, and articles on learning in healthcare, shipping, and firefighting.
As mentioned in the Editorial, learning from everyday work should involve those who do it, support it, and are affected by it. Learning and change are activities that should primarily be done BY and WITH the people involved and affected, not just FOR them. Your conversations are crucial for learning and we hope to help support these conversations. Do your operational and non-operational colleagues know about HindSight? Would you be willing to ask them, and encourage them to subscribe? Search ‘SKYbrary HindSight’ for details.
There is also a separate supplement on COVID-19 and learning in the context of the pandemic. This will be expanded in the next Issue of HindSight on ‘The New Reality’. How have you and your colleagues adjusted and adapted to work in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? Let us know, in a few words or more, for Issue 32 of HindSight magazine.
HindSight 31 Articles
- Foreword, by Tony Licu.
- Invited foreword:Austro Control, by Axel Schwatrz.
- Why learn from everyday work?, by Steven Shorrock.
From Research to Practice
Views from the Ground
- Learning from performance variability at skyguide, by Melanie Hulliger and Matthias Reimann.
- Observing everyday work:normal operations monitoring at ENAIRE, by Alberto Rodriguez de la Flor.
- Local safety surveys: from auditing to understanding, by Patrick Gontar and Philipp Kurth.
- Identifying "investigative blind spots": the everyday work of occurrence investigators, by Rogier Woltjer, Jonas Lundberg and Billy Josefsson.
- Learning to enhance practices for airfield safety during construction, by Gael Le Bris.
- Could a biro (or two) make your day?, by Bartosz Gicala.
- It takes two to tango: learning from everyday communication, by Lynn Davis.
- Safety management Q&A, by Stephane Deharvengt.
Views from the Air
- Assessment of pilot compliance with TCAS RA, by Stanislaw Drozdowski and Mateusz Michalski.
- How do we get the information? , by Captain Wolfgang Starke.
- The messy reality of working in the cabin, by Tricia Green.
Views from Elsewhere
- Learning in the heat of the moment, an interview with Sabrina Cohen-Hatton.
- Reflections on human performance from elite sport, by Cath Bishop, Ben Tipney, Tom Young and Luis Barbero.
- Learning from excellence in healthcare, by Adrian Plunkett and Emma Plunkett.
- Learning from what goes well: another tactic to milk the cow?, by Nippin Anand.
- The real danger for a firefighter instructor, by the Leonie Boskeljon-Horst and Ron Koppes.
HindSight 31S Special Supplement: COVID-19
- Invited foreward: Malta Air Traffic Services, by Kenneth Chircop.
- When everyday work is not so everyday, by Anders Ellerstrand.
- Let's work together, by Sebastian Daeunert.
- The ups and downs of everyday work in the tower during COVID-19, by Shaul Guthrie.
- Learning from online team resource management, by Emmanuelle Gravalon.
- Handling small problems in a big pandemic, by Raluca Tilici.
- Captaining through COVID-19, by Captain Paul Reuter.
- Connecting aviation and healthcare: project Wingman, by Nick Carpenter.
- Fatigue risk and the COVID-19 pandemic, by Philippe Cabon and Fabrice Drogoul.
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation workers and the aviation system, by Captain Paul Cullen.
- Learning from everyday work in aviation: lessons in a time of COVID, by Steven Shorrock.
- Learning from everyday work in healthcare: lessons in a time of COVID, by Steven Shorrock.