Hindsight 31

Hindsight 31

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Published in December 2020, HindSight 31 focused on the theme of Learning from everyday work.

This edition also included a special supplement titled Learning through COVID-19.


Welcome to issue 31 of EUROCONTROL’s HindSight magazine. Over the last few issues, HindSight has evolved toward a more general focus on human and organisational factors in operations. We have included different perspectives on work-as-imagined and work- as-done, collaboration, competency and expertise, change, goal conflicts and trade-offs, and wellbeing. What unites all of these issues is ‘work’ and in this issue we focus on ‘learning from everyday work’.

In this issue we have the usual blend of articles from front-line staff and specialists in safety, human factors, and human and organisational performance, in aviation and elsewhere. The articles cover all aspects of everyday work, including routine work, unwanted events, and excellence. The authors discuss a variety of ways to learn from everyday work, including observation, discussion, surveys, reflection, and data analysis. There are articles on specific topics to help learn from others’ experience, including from other sectors in ‘views from elsewhere’. Here you will find reflections on human performance in elite sport, and articles on learning in healthcare, shipping, and firefighting.

As mentioned in the Editorial, learning from everyday work should involve those who do it, support it, and are affected by it. Learning and change are activities that should primarily be done BY and WITH the people involved and affected, not just FOR them. Your conversations are crucial for learning and we hope to help support these conversations. Do your operational and non-operational colleagues know about HindSight? Would you be willing to ask them, and encourage them to subscribe? Search ‘SKYbrary HindSight’ for details.

There is also a separate supplement on COVID-19 and learning in the context of the pandemic. This will be expanded in the next Issue of HindSight on ‘The New Reality’. How have you and your colleagues adjusted and adapted to work in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? Let us know, in a few words or more, for Issue 32 of HindSight magazine.

HindSight 31 Articles



From Research to Practice

Views from the Ground

Views from the Air

Views from Elsewhere

HindSight 31S Special Supplement: COVID-19

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