Industry Consultation Body

Industry Consultation Body

Composition and Objectives

The Industry Consultation Body (ICB) was set up by the European Commission to provide advice of a strategic nature related to the implementation of the Single European Sky. This strategic and policy input will complement the regulatory role of the Single Sky Committee and will advise the Commission on the development and implementation of the future European Air Traffic Management System (ATM) system and its components.

The ICB is composed of representatives of all major ATM stakeholders:

  • Air traffic service providers;
  • Communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) service providers;
  • Meteorological service providers;
  • Airspace users;
  • Manufacturing industry;
  • Airports;
  • Professional staff representative bodies.

ICB Modalities of Work

To ensure that the consultation process is efficient and effective, ICB membership has been organised through the stakeholder representative bodies, rather than individual service providers and companies. Considering the need to ensure that the development of the ATM system is efficient at the European level and coherent with the global level, EUROCONTROL and non-European interests are also invited to participate with ‘observer’ status on a case by case basis.

The ICB meets approximately every three months, or more frequently as required. As necessary, the ICB may set up sub-groups to consider specific issues.


The ICB will in particular carry out the following tasks:

  • Develop and agree a roadmap and master plan for the transition from the current ATM system towards a future ATM system;
  • Maintain an overview on the master plan and its achievement;
  • Provide advice on the concept of operation in future ATM developments;
  • Provide advice on investment priorities using the business case approach;
  • Make/endorse proposals for inputs to the standardisation and manufacturing approval (certification) processes;
  • Give advice on proposals and priorities for ‘mandates’ to be entrusted to EUROCONTROL;
  • Provide strategic/policy management overview to development programmes (such as SESAR);
  • Give an opinion on the options and timetable for mandatory equipage for airspace users and air traffic service providers;
  • Provide views on the potential impact of implementing rules taking into consideration societal and economic interests;
  • Propose actions to enhance efficiency of the CNS and ATM systems.

Further Reading

European Commission


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