Monsoon influenced extremely cold subarctic climate (Dwd)

Monsoon influenced extremely cold subarctic climate (Dwd)

Dwd: D = Continental  w = Dry winter  d = extremely continental/very cold winter


Monsoon-influenced (meaning seasonal precipitation) extremely cold subarctic climate; coldest month averaging below −38 °C and 1–3 months averaging above 10 °C. At least ten times as much rain in the wettest month of summer as in the driest month of winter (alternative definition is 70% or more of average annual precipitation is received in the warmest six months). Overall, these climates are extremely dry but there is little evaporation due to the cold temperatures.

The Dwd climate is found in central Siberia where the Siberian High makes the winters extremely cold and dry.



Koppen climate map of subarctic climates


Subarctic key

Köppen climate classification map for subarctic climates Dsc, Dwc, Dfc, Dsd, Dwd, Dfd - source: wikicommons, author:  Alice Hunter, 2018.

Flight safety and planning considerations

Winters are extremely cold but dry - follow manufacturers' guidance on operations in extremely low temperatures.

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