National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Centre Database (NASDAC)

National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Centre Database (NASDAC)


National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Centre Database (NASDAC) contains data on accidents, incidents, air traffic facility information, air traffic control regulations and procedures, aviation safety studies, etc. NASDAC databases, being linked to related databases, often have gone through a cleansing process. The NASDAC system has the capability to construct customised data marts. This allows aircraft engineers to monitor the safety performance of ageing aircraft. NASDAC data can be accessed directly by the requestor through an easy-to-use data retrieval system. An expert staff is available to assist in determining the data that is needed and how to retrieve and analyse it.

NASDAC is located at the U.S. FAA headquarters, but it can be accessed either in person, by telephone, or on the web.

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