Network Manager
Network Manager
The body entrusted with the tasks necessary for the execution of the functions referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 551/2004. (Source: European Commission)
The Network Manager manages ATM network functions (airspace design, flow management) as well as scarce resources (transponder code allocations, radio frequencies), as defined in Regulation 2019/123.
The Network Manager operates through a process of cooperative decision-making between two bodies – the Network Management Board and the Single Sky Committee.
The Network Management Board monitors and steers the execution of the network functions including the performance of the tasks of the Network Manager. Its functions are focused on approval, monitoring and consulting actions.
The Single Sky Committee has been established to support the European Commission in the implementation of the Single European Sky. It is composed by two representatives of each European Union Member State (civil and military) and observers from third countries and EUROCONTROL.
The Network Manager general objectives are to support the execution of the network functions and to contribute to the continuous improvement of network operations in the SES and the overall performance of the network. These are to be fulfilled by performing the following tasks:
- establish and keep up-to-date the Network Strategy Plan, in line with the performance scheme and the ATM Master Plan;
- establish the Network Operations Plan to implement the Network Strategy Plan (see Further Reading below);
- identify in the Network Operations Plan all initiatives supporting the development of cross-border coordination and the provision of cross-border air traffic management and air navigation services, highlighting those on which the delivery of the Network Performance Plan is particularly dependent;
- ensure that the Network Strategy Plan and the Network Operations Plan contribute to the achievement of the Unionwide targets and associated local performance targets and monitor the implementation of the plans;
- prepare a Network Performance Plan in accordance with the performance scheme and implement it after it is approved by the Commission;
- develop, organise and provide an integrated European Route Network Design function;
- coordinate the air traffic flow and capacity management and, through the central unit for ATFM, coordinate and execute ATFM measures;
- provide the central function for the coordination of radio frequencies, including a central register to record all radio frequency assignment data;
- coordinate the radar transponder codes allocation processes;
- organise the management and operation of the network functions;
- coordinate and support the management of network crises and call upon the EACCC, after consultation of the Commission;
- ensure coordination, relating to the network functions, with ICAO Regions other than the ICAO EUR region and countries that do not participate in the work of the Network Manager;
- establish, keep up-to-date and execute the Network Manager’s multiannual work programme and associated budget;
- develop and implement an alert or alarm system to provide the Commission with data based on the analysis of flight plans so that it can monitor compliance with operating bans imposed on air carriers or with other safety and security measures, or with both;
- provide support requested by ICAO for tasks related to the execution of the network functions within the ICAO EUR region, subject to the conclusion of cooperative arrangements with ICAO.
- initiate, support and coordinate cooperation between operational stakeholders in the development and implementation of operational actions to ensure efficient use of available airspace and capacity and reduce network delays;
- identify operational safety hazards at network level in cooperation with operational stakeholders and assess the associated network safety risk and report them to the Agency;
- provide the operational stakeholders and the relevant authorities of the Member States and the Commission with information on traffic forecast, and operational performance analysis in the context of the implementation of the performance scheme;
- support operational stakeholders in preparing and implementing transition plans for the entry into service of major airspace or ATM system improvements;
- develop procedures for ATFM delay attribution through cooperative decision-making and organise a post operations adjustment process;
- support operational stakeholders in the implementation of a flexible use of airspace in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2150/2005.
The Network Manager also plays are role in managing network crises by:
- coordinating the responses;
- supporting the activation and coordination of contingency plans;
- preparing mitigating measures to secure the provision of a timely response;
- indicating opportunities for an additional support for mitigation of network crisis;
- monitoring and reporting to the EACCC on network recovery and resilience;
- organising, facilitating and performing an agreed programme of network crisis simulation exercises;
- developing, implementing and monitoring a work programme and a risk register.
The appointment of the Network Manager takes the form of a Commission Decision.
EUROCONTROL was nominated as the Network Manager with Decision 2019/709 for the third and the fourth reference periods (i.e. until the end of 2029).
Related Articles
- Portal:Single European Sky
- Single Sky Committee
- Regulation 551/2004 - Organisation and Use of the Airspace in SES
- Regulation 2019/123 - Implementation of ATM network functions
Further Reading