Operational Concept for Contingency
Operational Concept for Contingency
An operational concept for contingency defines the scope and extent of the planned contingency measures including requirements and performance criteria. It outlines the setting required to undertake contingency operations and elaborates the policy objectives for contingency planning.
An operational concept for contingency should provide a common language between all parties involved, i.e. State(s), ANSPs, military organisation(s), airspace users, airports, etc…, to capture needs and set-up requirements that avoid misunderstandings. It will also provide a set of clearly defined requirements that will further support the definition and implementation processes. It will deliver a set of safety, security and performance criteria to be satisfied by the future system. It can ensure consistency with recognised safety assessment techniques such as the EUROCONTROL Safety Assessment Methodology (SAM) and the Safety Case Development methodologies that start their assessment process from the Operational Concept downward to the system design approach. In the same way the Operational Concept also needs to be consistent with the aims and objectives of the ATM Security Risk Assessment Methodology to ensure that specific ATM Security threats are properly captured. An Operational Concept also helps to provide a setting to undertake the economic assessment of contingency
An Operational Concept for Contingency could contain all or some of the following elements:
- Purpose and use;
- Policy inputs;
- Contingency Principles (safety, security, continuity);
- Contingency Criteria;
- Contingency Key Events (i.e. foreseen contingency situations) and related Risks;
- Legal requirements;
- Candidate Contingency strategies;
- Preferred option(s) - the chosen Contingency Planning strategy;
- Consultation Process;
- Economic Aspects;
- Current Contingency Arrangements;
- Description of the New Environment;
- Description of Changes;
- Summary of Impacts and Analysis of Changes.
Related Articles
- Contingency Lifecycle
- Economic Assessment Of Contingency Plans
- Policy on Contingency
- Legal Aspects of Contingency
- Safety Management for Contingency
- Security Management for Contingency
- Contingency Strategies
Further Reading
- For further information on Contingency Planning see the EUROCONTROL, Guidelines for Contingency Planning for Air Navigation Services (including Service Continuity). In particular, an overview of Concept of Operations within Contingency is provided in Section 7.3 on page 44 of the Second Edition.
- Real Case Incompleteness of Contingency Procedures- Case study Presentation by Gerald Amar, EUROCONTROL
- Policy, Operational Concept and Planning Process for Contingency Guidelines for creating an Operational Concept for Contingency, presentation by EUROCONTROL
- See also the EUROCONTROL Reference Guide to EUROCONTROL Guidelines for Contingency Planning, Section §5.2 page 15 and page 25.