Quality Manager

Quality Manager

This article is under review following the introduction of IR-OPS and changes of terminology and procedures consequent on that. References to IR-OPS are given below under Further Reading.


A quality manager, sometimes called a quality assurance manager, coordinates the activities required to meet quality standards.


The responsibilities of the quality manager in aircraft operation and maintenance domain are described in JAR AMC 1.035, as follows:

"The function of the quality manager is to monitor compliance with, and the adequacy of, procedures required to ensure safe operational practices and airworthy aeroplanes.

The function of the quality manager may be carried out by more than one person by means of different, but complementary, Quality Assurance programmes.

The primary role of the quality manager is to verify, by monitoring activity in the fields of flight operations, maintenance, crew training and ground operations, that the standards required by the Authority, and any additional requirements defined by the operator, are being carried out under the supervision of the relevant Nominated Postholder.

The quality manager should be responsible for ensuring that the Quality Assurance Programme is properly established, implemented and maintained.

The quality manager should:

a. Have direct access to the Accountable Manager;

b. Not be one of the nominated post holders; and

c. Have access to all parts of the operator’s and, as necessary, any sub-contractor’s organisation."

The diagram below shows the organisation of a typical quality system:

Organisation of a typical quality system

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Further Reading

  • EU-OPS 1, especially EU-OPS 1.035 and supplementary material.

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