Regulation 409/2013 Common Projects, Governance and Incentives Supporting the ATM Master Plan
Regulation 409/2013 Common Projects, Governance and Incentives Supporting the ATM Master Plan
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 of 3 May 2013 on the definition of common projects, the establishment of governance and the identification of incentives supporting the implementation of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan - text published in the Official Journal of the European Union
To define common projects, explain how they shall be governed and identify incentives for their deployment.
This Regulation shall apply to the European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN).
Purpose and Content of Common Projects
The ATM Master Plan is the roadmap driving the modernisation of the European ATM system and connecting SESAR research and development with deployment. It shall be the key SES instrument for the seamless operation of the EATMN and the timely, coordinated and synchronised SESAR deployment.
Common projects aim to deploy ATM functionalities that will achieve the essential operational changes and to contribute to the European Union-wide performance targets. The ATM functionalities must be mature for implementation and require synchronised deployment.
Common projects shall also:
- demonstrate a positive business case for the EATMN, based on an independent cost-benefit analysis
- identify incentives for deployment
- refer to the implementing rules for interoperability and safety
- identify any need for new implementing rules for interoperability and safety, Community specifications and civil standards to support their deployment and their applicability to the military
- take account of the relevant deployment elements specified in the Network Strategy Plan and the Network Operations Plan of the Network Manager
Setup, Adoption, Implementation and Monitoring of Common Projects
The Commission shall:
- set up proposals for common projects
- be assisted by the Network Manager, the European Aviation Safety Agency, the Performance Review Body the SESAR Joint undertaking, Eurocontrol, the European standardisation organisations, Eurocae and the deployment manager.
- consult the stakeholders, and the consultative group of experts on its proposals for common projects.
- ensure that proposals for common projects are endorsed by the airspace users and the ground operational stakeholders that are required to implement a specific common project.
- adopt common projects and any amendments to them in accordance with the procedure referred to in Regulation (EC) No 550/2004.
- monitor the implementation of common projects and their impact on the performance of the EATMN through specific reporting requirements and make best use of existing monitoring and reporting instruments.
Common projects shall be implemented through implementation projects and in accordance with the deployment programme.
Deployment Governance
Deployment governance shall ensure the timely, coordinated and synchronised implementation of common projects. It comprises of three levels:
- policy level - this level is responsible for overseeing SESAR deployment, ensuring that it is in line with the single European sky regulatory framework and safeguards the public interest. The Commission shall be responsible for this level.
- management level - the deployment manager shall be responsible for this level. Its main functions are developing, proposing, maintaining and implementing the deployment programme.
- implementation level - this level consists of implementation of common projects selected by the Commission in line with the deployment programme. The implementation projects and their execution shall comply with the conditions agreed on with the Commission.
Deployment Programme
The deployment programme shall be part of the framework partnership agreement and provide a comprehensive and structured work plan of all activities.
The deployment manager shall submit the proposal for the deployment programme and any proposals for amendments to the Commission for approval.
Upon adoption of each common project the Commission shall request the deployment manager to adapt the deployment programme.
This Regulation was amended in 2021 by Regulation 2021/116. Some provisions were updated, the role of EASA in the setup and implementation of common projects was extended and a requirement for common structure of the projects is introduced.
Entry Into Force
This Regulation entered into force in May 2013.
Regulation 409/2013 - Common Projects, Governance and Incentives Supporting the ATM Master Plan (OJ, 4.5.2013)
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Further Reading
European Commission