Regulation 716/2014 Establishment of the Pilot Common Project Supporting the ATM Master Plan

Regulation 716/2014 Establishment of the Pilot Common Project Supporting the ATM Master Plan

Note: This Regulation was repealed by Regulation 2021/116 and is no longer in force.

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 716/2014 of 27 June 2014 on the establishment of the Pilot Common Project supporting the implementation of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan - text published in the Official Journal of the European Union


This Regulation sets up the first common project, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Pilot Common Project’. The Pilot Common Project identifies a first set of ATM functionalities to be deployed in timely, coordinated and synchronised way so as to achieve the essential operational changes stemming from the European ATM Master Plan.



The Pilot Common Project comprises the following ATM functionalities:

  • Extended Arrival Management and Performance Based Navigation in the High Density Terminal Manoeuvring Areas. This functionality is expected to improve the precision of approach trajectory as well as facilitate traffic sequencing at an earlier stage, thus allowing reducing fuel consumption and environmental impact in descent/arrival phases.
  • Airport Integration and Throughput. This functionality is expected to improve runway safety and throughput, ensuring benefits in terms of fuel consumption and delay reduction as well as airport capacity.
  • Flexible Airspace Management and Free Route. This functionality is expected to enable a more efficient use of airspace, thus providing significant benefits linked to fuel consumption and delay reduction.
  • Network Collaborative Management. This functionality is expected to improve the quality and the timeliness of the network information shared by all ATM stakeholders, thus ensuring significant benefits in terms of Air Navigation Services (ANS) productivity gains and delay cost savings.
  • Initial System Wide Information Management. This functionality consists of a set of services that are delivered and consumed through an internet protocol-based network by SWIM enabled systems, is expected to bring significant benefits in terms of ANS productivity.
  • Initial Trajectory Information Sharing. This functionality is expected to improve predictability of aircraft trajectory for the benefit of airspace users, the network manager and ANS providers, implying less tactical interventions and improved de-confliction situation. This is expected to have a positive impact on ANS productivity, fuel saving and delay variability.

These ATM functionalities are described in the Annex to the regulation.

In order to reach full benefits of the Pilot Common Project, certain operational stakeholders from third countries are expected to implement parts of the Pilot Common Project.


The implementation of the Pilot Common Project should be monitored as far as possible using existing monitoring mechanisms and existing consultation structures to involve all operational stakeholders:

  • the European ATM Master Plan planning and implementation reporting mechanisms;
  • the Network Strategy Plan and Network Operations Plan;
  • the performance plans;
  • the reporting tables on air navigation costs;
  • the monitoring of the implementation projects referred to in Article 10 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 by the deployment manager;
  • the FAB planning and implementation reporting mechanisms;
  • the planning and implementation reporting mechanisms related to standardisation.


The Commission shall review this Regulation particularly in the following aspects:

  • the progress in the deployment of the ATM functionalities;
  • the use of existing incentives for the implementation of the Pilot Common Project and the possibilities of new incentives;
  • the contribution of the Pilot Common Project to the achievement of the performance targets and the implementation of flexible use of airspace;
  • the actual costs and benefits resulting from the deployment of ATM functionalities, including the identification of any local or regional negative impact for any specific category of operational stakeholder;
  • the need for adapting the Pilot Common Project, in particular its personal and geographical scope and the deployment target dates;
  • progress in the development of reference and supporting material.

The Commission is to initiate the first review at the latest 18 months from the approval of the deployment programme.

Entry Into Force

This Regulation entered into force in July 2014.

Note: This Regulation was repealed by Regulation 2021/116 and is no longer in force.

Regulation 716/2014 - Establishment of the Pilot Common Project Supporting the ATM Master Plan (OJ, 28.6.2014)

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Further Reading

European Commission


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