Regulation 73/2010 Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information

Regulation 73/2010 Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information

Note: This Regulation was repealed by Regulation 2020/469 and is no longer in force.

Commission Regulation (EU) No 73/2010 of 26 January 2010 laying down requirements on the quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information for the Single European Sky - text published in the Official Journal of the European Union


This Regulation has been adopted to ensure improved quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information provision in Europe in terms of accuracy, resolution and integrity.


The general framework of the Single European Sky (SES) needs to be completed by more specific and detailed implementing rules. The European Commission has adopted this Regulation in order to support the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 - the Interoperability regulation - which forms part of the first package of legislation on air traffic management designed to create the SES.

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has defined aeronautical data and aeronautical information quality requirements in terms of accuracy, resolution and integrity that should be met and maintained. Those ICAO requirements provide the baseline, but there are known deficiencies that should be addressed, notably to support future applications.

Examination of the current situation has demonstrated that the quality requirements relating to aeronautical data and aeronautical information are not always met, in particular the accuracy and integrity requirements. The significant amount of paper-based, manual activity still taking place leads to significant opportunities for the introduction of errors and the degradation of data quality. In accordance with the requirements of the Interoperability regulation, aeronautical information should be provided progressively in an electronic form, based on a commonly agreed and standardised data set.



This Regulation shall apply to the following aeronautical data and aeronautical information:

  • the integrated aeronautical information package, with the exception of circulars;
  • electronic obstacle data, or elements thereof;
  • electronic terrain data, or elements thereof;
  • aerodrome mapping data.

The Regulation applies to the European air traffic management systems, their constituents and associated procedures involved in the origination, production, storage, handling, processing, transfer and distribution of aeronautical data and aeronautical information. It should not cover military operations and training

The Regulation should not cover military operations and training.

Interoperability and Performance Requirements

Air navigation service providers, operators of aerodromes and heliports (for which Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and Special VFR procedures have been established) and public or private entities providing aeronautical data or services shall transfer the aeronautical data and aeronautical information between themselves by direct electronic connection.

Aeronautical information service providers shall ensure that all aeronautical data and aeronautical information within the AIPs, AIP amendments and AIP supplements is provided in accordance with the publication requirements identified in the ICAO standards. Traceability shall be maintained on each data item during its period of validity and for at least 5 years following the end of that period.

The Regulation defines at annex a number of detailed requirements regarding:

  • the aeronautical data set to be exchanged
  • data exchange format
  • data quality and evidence
  • data origination
  • data process
  • data protection
  • formal arrangements for the exchange of aeronautical data
  • error reporting, feedback and rectification mechanisms
  • tools and software used to support the origination, production, storage, handling, processing and transfer of aeronautical data

The personnel involved in the aeronautical information service provision shall be adequately trained, competent and authorised for the job, and shall apply ICAO standards and applicable AIP update cycles.

Quality, Safety and Security Management Requirements

Entities involved in the provision of aeronautical information data and services are required to implement and maintain a quality management system (QMS) covering their aeronautical data and aeronautical information provision activities. Such QMS shall define procedures to meet the safety and security management objectives defined at annex to the Regulation.

Air navigation service providers, operators of aerodromes and heliports and public or private entities providing aeronautical data or services shall ensure that any changes to the existing systems listed in ‘Scope’ above or the introduction of new systems are preceded by a safety assessment, including hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation.

Conformity Assessment and Verification of Systems

Manufacturers of constituents of the systems covered by the scope of this Regulation shall assess the conformity or suitability for use of those constituents in compliance with the requirements set out in Annex VIII to the Regulation.

ANSPs shall conduct or, as appropriate, subcontract to a notified body the verification of the systems covered by the scope of this Regulation in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex X of the Regulation.

Additional Requirements

Operations personnel shall be made duly aware of the relevant provisions laid dawn by the Regulation. Working methods and operating procedures shall comply with the relevant provisions specified in the Regulation.

Aeronaitcal data and service providers shall develop and maintain operations manuals containing the necessary instructions and information to enable their personnel to apply this Regulation.

Entry into Force and Repeal

The Regulation entered into force in February 2010. It shall apply from 1 July 2013.However, Article 4, Article 5(1), Article 5(2), Article 5(3) and Article 5(4)(c) shall apply from 1 July 2014.

This Regulation is repealed by Regulation 2020/469 with effect from 27 January 2022.

Regulation No 73/2010 laying down requirements on the quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information (OJ, 27.1.2010)

Further Reading


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