Regulation 970/2014 Detailed Rules for the Implementation of ATM Network Functions

Regulation 970/2014 Detailed Rules for the Implementation of ATM Network Functions

Note: Regulation 677/2011 (and consequently, this Regulation) was repealed by Regulation 2019/123 and is no longer in force.

Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 970/2014 of 12 September 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No 677/2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of air traffic management (ATM) network functions – text published in the Official Journal of the European Union


The Regulation aims to improve SES II regulatory framework in some areas, in particular provisions of Regulation 677/2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of ATM network functions regarding the tasks, governance and budget of the Network Manager and the relations with third countries.


The tasks given to the Network Manager require a multiannual work programme and related budget, working arrangements between the Network Manager and SESAR Deployment Manager, and activities to identify safety risks at network level. The Regulation establishes therefore appropriate arrangements in this connection.

The Regulation clarifies the procedure for adopting the Network Strategy Plan, developed and implemented by the Network Manager. It obliges operational stakeholders (e.g. ANSPs) to take due account of the Strategic objectives of the Network Strategy Plan in their business plans.

Further provisions of the Regulation require that:

  • the Network Management Board is advised on operational matters by the operational stakeholders' executive managers (e.g. directors of operations of ANSPs);
  • the Network Management Board approves the multiannual work programme of the Network Manager and the Network Performance Plan, on the basis of the drafts prepared by the Network Manager (Note: The Network Performance Plan is to be submitted to and adopted by the European Commission.)
  • the Network Management Board gives its opinion on additional functions that might be entrusted to the Network Manager and on cooperative arrangements between the Network Manager and third countries.

The Regulation enhances Regulation 677/2011 provisions on Network crisis management by amending the permanent membership and responsibilities of the European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell (EACCC). The EACCC shall liaise with a network of State focal points and perform crisis exercises to anticipate a real time network crisis.

According to the amended text of Article 23 “Financing and budget of the Network Manager” the NM’s budget, as approved, shall allow the Network Manager to meet the targets identified in the performance scheme and to implement its work programme. The budget shall be separately identifiable from the rest of the budget of the body appointed to act as the Network Manager where that body (e.g. EUROCONTROL) carries out any other activity.

Regulation (EU) No 970/2014 amending Regulation (EU) No 677/2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of ATM network functions - full text.

Entry into Force

This Regulation enters into force in October 2014.

Note: Regulation 677/2011 (and consequently, this Regulation) was repealed by Regulation 2019/123 and is no longer in force.

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Further Reading

European Commission


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