Runway Incursion : Investigation Check List - Aircraft Operator
Runway Incursion : Investigation Check List - Aircraft Operator
It is suggested that, once the factual investigation into a runway incursion has been completed, the following Table of potential contributory causes should be reviewed to identify possible mitigations against recurrence of a similar incident. It is to be expected that several factors would be relevant to any particular incident.
Useful guidance may also be found by consulting some of the Accident and Serious Incident Reports selected and stored in SKYbrary under the sub category Runway Incursion (see Further Reading).
Related Articles
- Runway Incursion
- Flight Operations Risk Assessment Checklist - Active Runway Crossing
- Accidents and Serious Incidents: Runway Incursion
Further Reading
European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions
ICAO Doc 9870 App G - ICAO Model Runway Incursion Causal Factors Identification Form