Safety Attributes

Safety Attributes


Safety attributes, as defined by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), are seven qualities present in a well-designed, safety centered system and process that help to ensure repeatable safety performance. Safety attributes are relevant to all certificate holders and integrating them into an organization's systems, processes and procedures is seen as a proactive and structured approach to managing safety.

Attributes and Descriptions

  • Responsibility: A clearly identified individual who is accountable for financial and human resources to ensure the certificate holder's quality and safety performance.
  • Authority: A clearly identifiable, qualified, and knowledgeable individual who effectively plans, directs, and controls resources; changes procedures; and makes key determinations including safety risk acceptance decisions.
  • Controls: The checks and restraints within a process that ensure the potential effects of risks are reduced to an acceptable level.
  • Process measurement: A method to monitor and measure a process' outputs and performance, and identify problems, or potential problems, to take corrective action.
  • Procedures: Methods or practices that are written or unwritten, regulatory or non-regulatory, designed into a process that a certificate holder or applicant uses to achieve a desired result..
  • Interfaces: Interactions between processes that must be managed to ensure desired outcomes.
  • Safety ownership: An individual's understanding of how their role contributes to the overall safety of the organization.

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