Safety Culture Discussion Cards - Complete Collection
Safety Culture Discussion Cards - Complete Collection
The EUROCONTROL Safety Culture Discussion Cards are a practical resource to aid real discussion about safety culture by any person or team within any organisation, including staff and managers in air navigation service providers. The cards use the same concepts as the EUROCONTROL survey methodology, though everyday language is used to make the cards completely accessible. The cards can be used without the need for external support.
You can download the cards as a PDF file in different languages for Edition 1 and Edition 2 by selecting one of the following versions:
Edition 2
- Edition 2 English - low res
- Edition 2 English - high res (without cropmarks)
- Edition 2 English - high res (with cropmarks)
- Edition 2 Spanish / Español - low res
- Edition 2 Spanish / Español - high res (without cropmarks)
- Edition 2 Spanish / Español - high res (with cropmarks)
Edition 1
- Spanish / Español - low res
- Spanish / Español - low res with 'Download at SKYbrary' ribbon
- Spanish / Español - high res (with cropmarks)
- Spanish / Español - high res with 'Download at SKYbrary' ribbon (with cropmarks)
- Portuguese / Portugál - low res
- Portuguese / Portugál - high res
- Portuguese / Portugál - high res (with cropmarks)
Click on each image to enlarge
How to use the cards
1. Management Commitment to Safety
2. Procedure & Training
3. Staffing & Equipment
4. Just Culture, Reporting & Investigation
5. Communication & Learning
6. Risk Handling
7. Collaboration & Involvement
8. Colleague Commitment
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