Safety Culture Discussion Cards - Complete Collection

Safety Culture Discussion Cards - Complete Collection


The EUROCONTROL Safety Culture Discussion Cards are a practical resource to aid real discussion about safety culture by any person or team within any organisation, including staff and managers in air navigation service providers. The cards use the same concepts as the EUROCONTROL survey methodology, though everyday language is used to make the cards completely accessible. The cards can be used without the need for external support.

You can download the cards as a PDF file in different languages for Edition 1 and Edition 2 by selecting one of the following versions:

Edition 2

Edition 1


Click on each image to enlarge

How to use the cards


Card 00a

'What is Safety Culture'


‎Card 00b

'Safety Culture Elements'


Card 00c

'How to use these cards'


Card 00d

'How to use these cards'


Card 00e

'Contexts of use'


Card 00f

'Method 1: Pick a card'


Card 00g

'Method 2: One from three'


Card 00h

'Method 3: Schein's cycle'


Card 00i

'Method 4: Compare views'


Card 00j

'Method 5: Focus on...'


Card 00k

'Method 6: Asset-based safety'


Card 00l

'Method 7: World cafe'


Card 00m

'Method 8: Influence map'


Card 00n

'Method 9: Textual analysis'


Card 00o

'Method 10: Solution-focus'


1. Management Commitment to Safety


Card 1a

'Safety, seriously'


Card 1b



Card 1c



Card 1d



Card 1e

'Responding to concerns'


Card 1f

'Walk around'


Card 1g

'Getting better'


2. Procedure & Training


Card 2a

'Procedure vs Practice'


Card 2b

'Fit for purpose'


Card 2c

'Be prepared'


Card 2d



Card 2e

'Train for change'


3. Staffing & Equipment


Card 3a

'Safety in numbers'


Card 3b

Safety support'


Card 3c

'Right equipment'


4. Just Culture, Reporting & Investigation


Card 4a

'Mistakes happen'


Card 4b

'Unacceptable behaviour'


Card 4c

'Speak up'


Card 4d

'Focus on the issue'


Card 4e

'Making reporting easy'


Card 4f

'Investigate to improve'


Card 4g



Card 4h

'Reporting for safety'

5. Communication & Learning


Card 5a

'Access to reports'


Card 5b

'Time to read'


Card 5c

'Talk it over'


Card 5d

'Get the picture'


Card 5e

'What's happening'


Card 5f

'Know where to go'


Card 5g

'Share ideas'


Card 5h

'Going up? Going down?'


Card 5i

'What's the plan?'


Card 5j

'Learn from incidents'


Card 5k

'Look outside'


6. Risk Handling


Card 6a

'Know your risks'


Card 6b

'Balancing safety'


Card 6c

'Risky business'


Card 6d

'Managing risk'


Card 6e

'Known hazards'


Card 6f

'Under pressure?'


Card 6g

'Make time for safety'

7. Collaboration & Involvement


Card 7a



Card 7b

'Assessing operational risk'


Card 7c

'Our procedures'


Card 7d

'The whole picture'


‎Card 7e


8. Colleague Commitment


‎Card 8a

'Colleague commitment'


‎Card 8b

'Confidence in colleagues'


‎Card 8c

'Working together'


‎Card 8d

'Team of teams'


‎Card 8e

'Challenge risk'


‎Card 8f

'Handling negativity'


‎Card 8g

'Teamwork on the front line'


Card 8h

'Let's talk'



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'Photo credits'


'Photo credits'


'Photo credits'

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