SE009 DIP - Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW)
SE009 DIP - Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW)
SE-9 4/21/99
Implementation Plan for Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW
Statement of Work: (SE-9)
In an Attempt to Preclude Future CFIT Accidents, Design an Implementation Plan to Ensure that Ground-Based Radars, their By-Products (Surveillance, MSAW, etc) are Adequate and Provide Altitude Protection in all Phases of Flight in and Around as many US Controlled Airports as Practicable Including All Domestically Identified High Risk / Special Airports. Also ensure that Controller Training and guidance in the use of MSAW is adequate, current and uniformly conducted.
To improve aviation safety by:
- Ensuring that ground-based radars and their associated by-products provide the necessary levels of terrain avoidance protection to aircraft operating domestically within the United States.
- Ensuring that Air Traffic Controller MSAW training is adequate and appropriate to operate, and use MSAW systems.
To correct any deficiencies identified in the above analysis, the following documents may need to be revised:
- Advisory Circular AC 121.445-1D (Pilot in Command Qualifications for Special Area / Routes and Airports)
- 14 CFR Part 121.445 (Pilot in Command Airport Qualification: Special Areas and Airports.)
- Air Traffic Technical Training Order 3120.4
- FAA Order 6310.6 (Terminal Radar Siting)
- FAA Order 6340.15 (Enroute Radar Siting)
- The terms of the AOS / AVN periodic MSAW review to include identification of any additional MSAW coverage needed.
Relationship to Current Aviation Community Initiatives
The current FAA Operations Support Service (AOS) / Aviation System Standards (AVN) program to streamline the process of comparing new and old NOAA Digital Terrain Maps (DTM) and flight-checking each terminal MSAW facility [every 540 days] will complement this MSAW Implementation Plan effort.
Performance Goals & Indicators for Outcomes / Outputs
Goal: Provide Adequate US domestic MSAW coverage at all identified High-Risk / Special airports. Indicator: Results of revised AOS / AVN periodic MSAW review does not identify any areas of non-coverage.
Goal: Provide the necessary level of MSAW training to all US Domestic Air Traffic Controllers regarding MSAW operation, and usage. Indicator: The number of occurrences of MSAW nuisance warnings and MSAW system deactivations is either reduced to a minimum or corrected so as to ensure zero occurrences.
Goal Ensure that all current MSAW systems are checked, operational and comply with all MSAW system requirements. Indicator: As of 4/13/99, all MSAW polygons in the domestic US have been flight-checked and are operational.
Lead Organization for Overall Coordination
Lead: FAA Operational Support Service (AOS)
Supporting: Air Traffic Services (ATS), Airways Facilities (AF), and Aviation System Standards (AVN).
Programmatic Approach
A number of documents will need to be obtained and reviewed. These will include, but may not be limited to, the associated; NTSB recommendations and their action status, FAA Orders and Regulations, Air Traffic Training Bulletins, and the AOS/AVN MSAW status program. Each document will need to be reviewed for applicability to MSAW and how it relates to achieving the goal identified in the Statement of Work. In the event a deficiency is identified in any document, the necessary processes must be put into place to revise the documents and implement any system modifications to correct the deficiencies.
Key Products and Milestones
NOTE: The Plan Lead for coordinating the development of this Implementation Plan is Joe Bracken (ALPA). The Implementation Plan Lead (Impl Team Lead) will be the lead agency responsible for coordinating the activities of this Implementation Plan.
Activity | #Days | Start Date | End Date | COG |
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT | 24 | 3/16/99 | 4/16/99 | Plan Lead |
Development Statement of Work | 3 | 3/16/99 | 3/18/99 | Plan Lead |
Identify Membership on Team | 3 | 3/22/99 | 3/24/99 | Plan Lead |
Identify Skills Needed on Team | 3 | 3/22/99 | 3/24/99 | Plan Lead |
Determine Deliverables | 14 | 3/16/99 | 4/2/99 | Plan Lead |
Identify Resources Needed | 14 | 3/16/99 | 4/2/99 | Plan Lead |
Obtain Necessary Documentation | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
Historical NTSB MSAW Rec Status | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
Current MSAW Requirements | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
Current MSAW Status | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
US Coverage Documentation | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
Part 139 Airport Info (121 Operations) | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
ATC MSAW Training Documentation | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
Engineering Siting Standards for MSAW | 7 | 4/5/99 | 4/13/99 | Plan Lead |
Identify Follow-On Actions | 7 | 3/16/99 | 3/24/99 | Plan Lead |
Identify Ongoing Programs / Activities | 7 | 3/16/99 | 3/24/99 | Plan Lead |
Assemble Implementation Plan Team | 10 | 4/5/99 | 4/16/99 | Plan Lead |
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ACTIVITIES | 14 | 4/16/99 | 5/5/99 | Impl Team |
Review NTSB MSAW Rec Status | 7 | 4/16/99 | 4/26/99 | Impl Team |
Review of current MSAW Requirements | 14 | 4/16/99 | 5/5/99 | Impl Team |
"High risk airports" determination | 14 | 4/16/99 | 5/5/99 | Impl Team |
Usage requirements | 7 | 4/16/99 | 4/26/99 | Impl Team |
Review of Current MSAW Status | 7 | 4/16/99 | 4/26/99 | Impl Team |
Review of Current U.S. Coverage | 14 | 4/16/99 | 5/5/99 | Impl Team |
Review of 14 CFR Part 139 Airports | 7 | 4/16/99 | 4/26/99 | Impl Team |
Review of CFR Part 121 Operators | 7 | 4/16/99 | 4/26/99 | Impl Team |
Review Airports for MSAW Coverage | 7 | 4/16/99 | 4/26/99 | Impl Team |
Review of Controller Training Guidelines | 7 | 4/21/99 | 4/29/99 | Impl Team |
Review of Siting Stds for radar facilities | 7 | 4/21/99 | 4/29/99 | Impl Team |
Produce Gannt Chart | 3 | 4/19/99 | 4/21/99 | Impl Team |
Determine Impact on Non-121 & Int’l Apps | 3 | 4/19/99 | 4/21/99 | Impl Team |
FOLLOW-ON ACTIVITIES (IF NECESSARY) | 51 | 4/27/99 | 7/6/99 | Impl Team |
Update of Current MSAW Requirements | 30 | 5/6/99 | 6/16/99 | Impl Team |
"High risk airports" Determination | 30 | 5/6/99 | 6/16/99 | Impl Team |
Usage Requirements | 30 | 5/6/99 | 6/16/99 | Impl Team |
Update of Controller Training Guidelines | 30 | 4/30/99 | 6/10/99 | Impl Team |
Update of Siting Stds for Radar Facilities | 30 | 4/30/99 | 6/10/99 | Impl Team |
Update Plan for New Installations | 30 | 4/27/99 | 6/7/99 | Impl Team |
Coordinate Results w/ Int’l Authorities | 14 | 6/17/99 | 7/6/99 | Impl Team Lead |
Plan & Execution Requirements
To implement the associated MSAW tasks identified within this implementation plan requires resources from the following organizations:
- FAA Operational Support Service (AOS)
- Air Traffic Services (ATS)
- Airways Facilities (AF)
- Aviation System Standards (AVN)
Risk Description
Low Risk. At this point in time, most of the identified required activities have been completed or are already in progress. At this time, it is unclear whether all of the ongoing activities will ensure compliance with the identified Statement of Work. The only concern would be any required revisions to any of the subject documentation, corrections of systemic deficiencies and the associated timeframes involved. Since domestic MSAW usage / coverage has not historically been a major point of concern, this is a low-risk concern.
Risk Mitigation Plan
Any discrepancies found should be identified early in the documentation review process. Whatever documentation changes will then be coordinated with the necessary cognitive personnel / offices to determine the most effective way to institute the change(s). Again, there are not any concerns at this time.
Impact on Non-FAR Part 121 or International Applications
Any changes to MSAW coverage or training program requirements will be shared with the necessary International individuals / agencies. It is unclear at this time, how the goals identified in the MSAW Statement of Work will impact the i
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