SE021: Flight Deck Equipment Upgrades for New Type Designs
SE021: Flight Deck Equipment Upgrades for New Type Designs
This safety enhancement ensures altitude awareness and accomplishment of checklist items. This will be accomplished through the development of guidelines and procedures for flight deck smart alerting system design and supporting operational procedures and training based upon:
- The installation of equipment to provide automatic aural altitude alert call-outs on final approach or other such altitude alerting systems.
- The installation of automated or mechanical checklist devices to provide a positive means for checklist completion.
- Research and assessment of existing technology in flight deck smart-alerting system design.
Related Implementation Plan
Related Outputs
Aircraft Manufacturers and Airline/Operators, in collaboration with the FAA's Aircraft Certification Service (AIR), have agreed to: (1) the implementation of interactive electronic checklist and smart alerting systems for New Type Design Aircraft; and (2) evaluate/consider, during checklist design, the principles contained in the FAA Report Human Performance Considerations in the Use and Design of Aircraft Checklists, the NASA Contract Report On the Design of Flight-Deck Procedures, and the NASA Contract Report Human Factors of Flight-Deck Checklists: The Normal Checklist for new type design aircraft. Additionally, a Notice of Availability was issued by AIR defining the standards for manufacturers to use in designing Automatic Aural Altitude call-outs on final approach, including arrival at Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) and Decision Height (DH), for all New Type Designs.