SE170: Maintenance - Aircraft Design, OEM Continuous Monitoring of Service History

SE170: Maintenance - Aircraft Design, OEM Continuous Monitoring of Service History



This safety enhancement helps reduce accidents related to improper maintenance by ensuring maintenance task difficulty data is collected and reported to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and proper maintenance is being performed to ensure aircraft systems continue to function as designed.

The Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) approved SE-170 to develop a voluntary process for improving communication between operators and OEMs on maintenance task difficulty. In particular, CAST was concerned that OEMs may develop maintenance tasks that could be physically difficult for operators to perform or verify the completion of, which could lead to degraded system safety over time.

Operators are encouraged to report maintenance task difficulties back to OEMs. OEMs are encouraged to monitor these service difficulties to verify that their design and procedural assumptions are acceptable, and to make improvements as necessary.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was tasked in Output 1 of SE-170 with publishing a 'best practices' guide to standardize how these processes should be implemented by operators and OEMs. CAST proposed a task force to document current industry processes and align them into a single set of recommended best practices.

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Detailed Implementation Plan

Completed Outputs

The Best Practices have been published in Airlines for America (A4A) ATA Spec 119, Continuous Monitoring of Maintenance Instructions

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