SE198: Airplane State Awareness - Scenario-Based Training for Go-Around Maneuvers
SE198: Airplane State Awareness - Scenario-Based Training for Go-Around Maneuvers
The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to reduce the risk of loss-of-control accidents by having Air Carriers conduct effective, scenario-based go-around training that matches realistic situations.
A Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) study of 18 loss-of-control accidents and incidents showed that go-arounds, in some situations, contributed to flight crew loss of airplane state awareness (ASA). Air carriers should incorporate scenario-based go-around training (both initial and recurrent) that matches realistic situations. In addition, air carriers should perform an assessment to identify additional improvements to go-around procedures and training. This assessment would include a review of ongoing go-around initiatives, research planning, review of Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) metrics and data, and review of air traffic control go-around procedures.
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Safety Alert for Operators - Scenario-Based Go-Around Training (SAFO 15004) has been issued. An Advisory Circular will be published at a later date and posted here once it is available.