SE202: Airplane State Awareness - Bank Angle Protection
SE202: Airplane State Awareness - Bank Angle Protection
The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to reduce the risk of loss-of-control accidents by having manufacturers mplement include bank angle protection on applicable new fly-by-wire (FBW) transport category airplane (TCA) programs. Applicable new fly-by-wire (FBW) TCA programs include:
- New type certificate programs
- Major derivative, amended type certificate programs involving redesign of the FBW flight control system, or conversion from a conventional control system to a FBW control system
In a Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) study of 18 loss-of-control accidents and incidents, excessive bank resulting from flight crew loss of airplane state awareness (ASA) played a role in 6 accidents. To reduce fatal accidents due to loss of airplane state awareness, manufacturers should develop and implement bank angle protection on applicable new FBW TCA programs launched after January 1, 2015.