SE210: Airplane State Awareness - Flight Crew Performance Data (R-D)

SE210: Airplane State Awareness - Flight Crew Performance Data (R-D)



The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to outline research to be conducted by the aviation community (government, industry and academia) to enhance tools and methods for collecting and analyzing flight crew performance data in situations associated with loss of energy and/or attitude state awareness. The tools and methods should be suitable for use in the design process.

In a Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) study of 18 loss-of-control accidents and incidents, 9 events involved flight crew performance limitations. The aviation community should conduct research and development to enhance tools and methods for analyzing flight crew performance for use in design practices and processes. The research should focus on flight crew responses to situations associated with loss of energy and/or attitude state awareness, and should:

  1. Develop a database of historical flight crew performance responses situations associated with loss of energy and/or attitude state awareness
  2. Enhance methods and guidelines used in the design process to assess flight crew performance in these situations.
  3. Develop and validate prototype technologies for detection and mitigation of attention issues for use in design evaluation.


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