SE217: Runway Excursion - Takeoff Procedures and Training

SE217: Runway Excursion - Takeoff Procedures and Training



The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to reduce runway excursion accidents. Air Carriers should improve takeoff safety through the following actions:

1. Regulators publish guidance material for air carriers on takeoff planning to:

a) Emphasize timely (i.e., before commencement of taxi) communication and coordination between gate agents, ground crew chiefs, load agents/dispatchers, and flight crews on accurate takeoff weight and balance information

b) Encourage development and use of software “flags” to alert all air carrier personnel involved in dispatch of aircraft to gross data entry errors

c) Emphasize the importance for both flight crew members to cross-check takeoff performance data and/or calculations

d) Provide guidance on training for hazards/risks of incorrect data entry into the Flight Management Systems (FMS)Electronic Flight Bags (EFB), or laptops for takeoff performance calculations

e) Address proper processing and communication of late changes to passenger/cargo loads, weather and runway conditions, departure runway or clearance, etc.

f) Address both “paper” information and electronically transmitted information, e.g., Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting Systems (ACARS)

2. Air carrier adoption of the guidance material in procedures and training

3. Air carrier definition and standardization of procedures and training for the rejected takeoff (RTO) decision, utilizing the guidance in the Takeoff Safety Training Aid

Related Implementation Plan

Detailed Implementation Plan

Related Outputs

The FAA issued SAFO 16008, Reducing the Risk of Runway Excursions, to provide guidance for air carrier standard operating procedures to help ensure accurate takeoff performance data. This completes Output 1 of the Safety Enhancement. Air carriers have indicated that they have reviewed their standard operating procedures and training and modified as necessary in accordance the Output 1 guidance. This completes Output 2 of the SE. The SAFO links to the FAA Takeoff Safety Training Aid.

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