SE219: Runway Excursion - Policies, Procedures and Training to Prevent Runway Excursions

SE219: Runway Excursion - Policies, Procedures and Training to Prevent Runway Excursions



The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to reduce the risk of runway excursion accidents. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Organization (ATO) should develop or modify policies, procedures, and training related to the following factors that contribute to the risk of runway excursions:

1) Airport arrival and departure configuration based on wind conditions

2) Wind reporting, measurement and use

3) Training of air traffic controllers on factors that contribute to the risk of runway excursion, including wind conditions, runway conditions, and unstable approaches.

Additionally, Air Carriers should review and revise policies to reinforce a culture for flight crews to declare “unable” to Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances that, in the opinion of the flight crew, could lead to an unstable approach.

Related Implementation Plan

Detailed Implementation Plan

Related Outputs

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has revised Orders JO 7110.65X, Air Traffic ControlJO 7210.3AA, Facility Operation and Administration, and 8400.9, National Safety and Operational Criteria for Runway Use Programs (revision pending), to establish Runway Selection Safety Teams (RSST) at each Part 139 airport. Each RSST will be established and will convene within 18 months of the Orders being published. Each RSST will establish local criteria for determining the airport arrival and departure configurations. Additionally, the local Air Traffic Manager will brief the RSST on what wind sensors are available at the airport and which ones are used to report wind conditions to pilots. This completes Outputs 1 and 2 of the Safety Enhancement.

The FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO) has completed training to air traffic controllers on the contribution of adverse winds, runway surface conditions, and unstable approach on the risk of runway excursion. This completes Output 3 of the Safety Enhancement.

Air carriers have reinforced a culture for flight crews to declare "unable" to Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances that, in the opinion of the flight crew, could lead to an unstable approach. This completes Output 4 of the Safety Enhancement.

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