SE234: Approach and Landing Misalignment - ATC Policies and Procedures

SE234: Approach and Landing Misalignment - ATC Policies and Procedures



The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to reduce the risk of aircraft approaching or landing on a surface other than what they were cleared for (such as the wrong runway, taxiway, or airport) by utilizing air traffic procedures and policies lessons learned and adapt these best practices.

Related Implementation Plan

Detailed Implementation Plan

Related Outputs

Action 1, FAA Flight Standards Service (AFX) to publish guidance on flightcrew best practices to prevent a misalignment and CAST should communicate the findings of the ALM JSAIT to air carriers. Air carriers to evaluate existing approach and landing procedures against recommended misalignment prevention best practices, as well as assess and revise their policies and procedures based on the results of their evaluation.

Related Safety Enhancements


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