SE237: Improving Pilot-Controller Communications Within the Constructs of Go-Arounds

SE237: Improving Pilot-Controller Communications Within the Constructs of Go-Arounds



The purpose of this Safety Enhancement is to reduce the risk of approach and landing accidents resulting from go-around-related aeronautical decision making or undesired aircraft states during the go-around maneuver.  The ALG JSAIT found ATC-pilot interaction and communications influenced some go-around decisions and outcomes.  Therefore, the ALG JSAIT recommends establishing a working group to evaluate go-around-related air traffic control (ATC)-pilot interactions/communications and pertinent aeronautical information services to identify changes that will improve pilot-controller communications, procedures, flightcrew expectations, and go-around-related aeronautical decision making; implement new procedures; and develop or incorporate new technologies as appropriate based on those findings.

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