SMS Inspector Competency Guidance, Training Programme Outline, and Assessment Tool
SMS Inspector Competency Guidance, Training Programme Outline, and Assessment Tool
Aviation regulator workforces include highly skilled positions with significant technical and educational requirements. As SMS implementation progresses, it is necessary for regulators to define SMS-related competencies for their inspector workforce, which will ensure that personnel requirements are aligned with the SMS and employees have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform SMS oversight effectively.
This package comprises two documents, namely SMS Inspector Competency Guidance and Training Programme Outline and SMS Inspector Competency Assessment Tool.
The first document, SMS Inspector Competency Guidance and Training Programme Outline, provides SM ICG recommended SMS competencies for inspectors tasked with accomplishing oversight activities and an SMS Inspector Competency Training Programme Outline. An SMS Inspector should already possess the basic inspector competencies outlined in ICAO Doc 10070, Manual on the Competencies of Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (CASI). ICAO defines observable behaviours (OBs) as single role-related behaviours that can be observed and may or may not be measurable. SMS-specific OBs are additive to these basic inspector competencies, namely systems thinking and risk management. Although this document focuses on specific SMS competencies, regulators should also consider how these competencies fit into their overall authority-level competencies. It is not recommended or intended for regulators to have multiple sets of competencies that could be inconsistent or divergent from each other. The training programme outline in this document focuses on developing inspector competencies for SMS oversight of regulated organizations. The scope of the training programme outline includes prerequisites, learning objectives, topics to be covered, and resources for developing training that will help build these SMS competencies. It does not include lesson plans or methods for assessing inspector SMS competencies.
The second document, SMS Inspector Competency Assessment Tool, allows Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) to evaluate an individual inspector's level of SMS competency to perform SMS certification and oversight effectively. It is designed to help assess how well an SMS Inspector demonstrates the OBs associated with both Systems Thinking and Risk Management competencies. The tool is supported by the Guide to the Safety Management System Inspector Competency Assessment Tool which details how to use the tool.
Download Full Document
- SMS Inspector Competency Guidance and Training Programme Outline (PDF)*
- SMS Inspector Competency Guidance and Training Programme Outline (editable Word version)
- SMS Inspector Competency Assessment Tool (editable Excel version)
- Guide to the Safety Management System Inspector Competency Assessment Tool (PDF)
- Guide to the Safety Management System Inspector Competency Assessment Tool (editable Word version)
*Note: document has embedded objects. To view them, download the editable Word version.
NOTE: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) published the first edition of Doc 10070, Manual on the Competencies of Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors in 2016. (ISBN: 978-92-9258-127-5, ICAO ID number 3127)