SMS for Small Organizations
SMS for Small Organizations
This material provides guidance and tools for implementing and evaluating Safety Management Systems (SMS) in smaller organizations. One document is specifically for aviation organizations implementing SMS and the other is for regulators.
SMS for Small Organizations
This document provides guidance for implementing SMS in smaller organizations. It considers the nature of the small organization and the environment and constraints in which it operates. The material includes tools for planning SMS implementation; guidance on manual development; templates for safety reporting; guidance on hazard identification/root cause analysis and risk management procedures; templates for preventive/corrective action reporting, safety performance indicator development, change management, and management reviews; and guidance related to key SMS processes.
SMS for Small Organizations: Considerations for Regulators
This document provides guidance and resources to regulators for evaluating SMS in smaller organizations. It considers the nature of the small organization and the environment and constraints in which it operates and addresses the benefits/drawbacks of phased implementation, both for small organizations and regulators overseeing them. The document also provides guidance on inspector training and information sharing.