Vereinigung Cockpit (VC)

Vereinigung Cockpit (VC)


Established in 1969, the German Air Line Pilots’ Association – Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) – represents the interests of about 9,000 flight crew members from all airlines in Germany as well as student and helicopter pilots.

All aspects of professional politics are covered by VC which uses its technical expertise and knowledge to ensure and further strengthen aviation safety.

To help shape the future of the aviation industry, VC works together with governmental agencies and departments, interest groups, industry and research as well as training institutions.

Important subjects include accident prevention, pilot training, training conditions and requirements as well as licensing issues, ATC procedures, flight duty times, coordination with authorities on security issues and issues an annual list of airport deficiencies.

VC has more than 15 working committees to to enable it to meet its objectives. VC's efforts are not limited to Germany, they are also actively providing expertise at European and global levels.

Further Information

For further information, visit the VC website


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