A321 (SX-BHS), north of Mogadishu Somalia, 26 February 2016

A321 (SX-BHS), north of Mogadishu Somalia, 26 February 2016

Publication info
BEA France
Accident Reports Loss of Control Human Factors
Date of publication

On 2 February 2016, an Airbus A321 Boeing 757-200F in the climb after departing from Mogadishu had just passed FL100 when an explosion occurred inside the passenger cabin and led to significant structural damage to a small area of the fuselage which caused cabin depressurisation, the ejection of one passenger and led to three others being seriously injured. The damaged aircraft was recovered to Mogadishu without any further consequences and the explosion was found to have been intentionally caused by the ejected male passenger. A series of Safety Recommendations were issued aimed at improving security checking of passengers boarding flights from Mogadishu.

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