Final Report A320 (EC-MAO) & P28A (EC-MBV), Seville Spain, 6 October 2022

Final Report A320 (EC-MAO) & P28A (EC-MBV), Seville Spain, 6 October 2022

Publication info
CIAIAC (Spain)
Accident Reports Runway Incursion Air Ground Communication Human Factors
Date of publication

On 6 October 2022, a solo student pilot departing Seville in a PA28 was instructed to hold short of the active runway on reaching it, but without the controller noticing then entered the runway. An Airbus A320 already cleared to land then called that there was a light aircraft on the runway and after initially just repeating the clearance, the controller then saw it. The context for the conflict was assessed as the controller’s use of English for PA28 communications and Spanish for A320 communications and the absence of any requirement to activate controllable stop bars in visual daylight conditions.

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