Final Report B773 (C-FJZS) & E190 (C-FMZW), Toronto Canada, 7 March 2020

Final Report B773 (C-FJZS) & E190 (C-FMZW), Toronto Canada, 7 March 2020

Publication info
TSB Canada
Accident Reports Runway Incursion Human Factors
Date of publication

On 7 March 2020, an Embraer ERJ190 was taking off at Toronto when it struck a bird and commenced and reported a high speed rejected takeoff. This call was not heard by ATC who then cleared a Boeing 777-300 to line up and takeoff on the same runway. As the 777 accelerated, its crew saw the ERJ190 ahead and also commenced a high speed rejected takeoff, successfully avoiding a collision. The Investigation found that the air/ground status of both aircraft was configured in accordance with current design standards in a way which prevented activation of the ground collision prevention system.

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