Final Report DH8C (C-GJYZ), Sandy Lake ON Canada, 19 October 2022

Final Report DH8C (C-GJYZ), Sandy Lake ON Canada, 19 October 2022

Publication info
TSB Canada
Accident Reports Loss of Control Human Factors
Date of publication

On 19 October 2022, an unstable approach to Sandy Lake by a de Havilland DHC8-300 was followed by a mishandled landing attempt by the First Officer involving excessive pitch up and a tail strike and when the Captain recognised a go-around was intended, he took over and completed the landing. The Captain had recently been promoted after 3,000 hours as a First Officer and the First Officer had just been released on his first two-pilot aircraft type after over 70 hours line training. Regulatory oversight appeared not to have detected that the operator’s safety management system was comprehensively unfit for purpose.

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